Where to eat in Stamford: Colony Grill

You know it was bound to happen, right? A month into my new job in Connecticut (yes, that Connecticut), I’ve had several chances to hitch rides with co-workers and try a few places for lunch. Since I don’t know how to drive, I’m at the mercy of those with cars and I go wherever they want to go. It’s been really nice to treat lunch time like a new food adventure because I never know what I’m going to get. Some of the places we’ve been to were meh, but a couple have been really decent.

Now I’ve never really been a big fan of pizza. I think it’s because pizza reminds me of college and college reminds me of how poor I was. On a student budget, I ate poorly. As soon as I started to make money, I swore to myself that I was never going to go back to eating bad food again. “Bad” here, of course, is both in taste and in nutritional content, and pizza usually qualifies for both. I like my Otto and I like my John’s on Carmine just like anyone else, but never again will I “get a slice” because it’s 1am and I’m stumbling home from a bar–Han Bat in Koreatown is open 24 hours and I can get a better hungover meal there–and never again will I think pizza is “good because it’s cheap”–I can still get a plate of pork chops with rice under $5 from Chinatown.

But go ahead and convince me otherwise. Let me know where you get your pizza and I’ll give it a shot–my boss did. He drove a couple of us from work during lunch to the notorious Colony Grill in Stamford, Connecticut. He wanted to prove to me that Colony’s pizza isn’t just regular pizza; it’s its own beast. He talked up the hot oil so much, I also got excited about it. I ended up liking the dive bar feel of the place and it seemed like the waitress knew every customer by name.

We must have waited 45 minutes for three single pies and we were starving by the time they were served. I inhaled my sausage pie with stingers, or hot peppers, on the side without blinking an eye. The hot oil was not exactly spicy, but it made even the pepperoni better; the vegetable pizza was definitely better with it. I was speechless on the drive back to work and I was comatose the rest of the afternoon in my cubicle. College days be damned; Colony has some good pizza. I better watch out before I need to seek for a binge eating disorders treatment.

Colony Grill is at 173 Myrtle Avenue in Stamford, Connecticut. You can call 203/359.2184 ahead to order but you’d still have to pick your pie up.

Related post/s:
Otto pizza is thin and crusty

3 thoughts on “Where to eat in Stamford: Colony Grill”

  1. Found you on Slice, and had to drop by.

    I love Colony, but now live in the midwest and haven’t been in years. The picture, though, is making me positively swoon. I can almost taste it. Thank you.

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