Our last full day was spent at the club house, poolside. We didn’t want to drive anywhere since we have to catch our flight so we sunbathed at the pool with all the gossip magazines we could pick up. I got more tanned there under a couple of hours than I did in Honduras. I devoured a medium-rare burger with my dark beer while Lauren enjoyed the chicken wrap with her Heineken Light.
It was sad to leave Florida. The S’s have been so nice to me. It was a bummer to end our long weekend together.
I think Sonny and I finally got along
I wish we knew there was a storm approaching New York City though, so we didn’t have to sit in the plane on the runway for several hours. Thank goodness for satellite TV and my trustworthy Bosse headphones, I got to catch up with Anthony Bourdain in Indonesia (El Bulli feature in two weeks, people!) and a really cool documentary on Tokyo.
Grouchy-looking Sonny but he was really excellent
Sonny was the best dog ever even with the four-hour delay. He would just take a peek from his bag and check if his mommy was still around. When he had that confirmed, he would just go right back inside; no whining and complaining like the two women behind us who gave the flight attendants a hard time. It took six hours to get back to Harlem instead of the expected three but I was very content with my weekend.