Bluefish Sashimi with Kochujang Sauce

This isn’t really a recipe for the bluefish as much as it is for the spicy sauce that Koreans use to eat their sashimi with. The Dr. grew up fishing in Los Angeles and this is what his family does when they eat their catch. He replicated it in New York after he caught some bluefish off Sheepshead Bay in Brooklyn.

Kochujang is a spicy Korean condiment made of fermented soy beans and chilis. It’s the same red pepper paste used in making kimchi. You need sushi-grade or freshly-caught fish to make the sashimi. A Korean boy with knife skills is also important. A big plus is spicy arugula to wrap and pick up the sashimi with.

freshly-caught bluefish or any sushi-grade fish, filleted and sliced in small pieces
a dollop of Korean kochujang red pepper paste
1 tbsp sugar
a few jigs of rice wine vinegar
toasted sesame seeds
a few leaves of spicy arugula

1. Combine and whisk all ingredients together in a bowl, except for the sashimi and the arugula. Season the mixture with some salt to taste.
2. On a serving plate, lay some arugula leaves and top with sashimi. Drizzle with the kochujang sauce and sprinkle with extra sesame seeds.

Related post/s:
You can buy kochujang sauce in Koreatown
Where did we get our bluefish?
Kimchi recipe