Sweet Corn Soup with Vanilla Bean and Pancetta

29. July 2008 Soups, Stocks + Sauces 3
Serita came back from Bali a couple of weeks ago and brought home fresh–and very fragrant–vanilla beans. I was able to get my hands on a few of them. I wouldn’t have thought about corn soup with vanilla if I didn’t have them, but once I did, I only imagined a soup that was velvety ...

Garlic Scape Pesto

08. July 2008 Soups, Stocks + Sauces 0
This season’s prettiest produce is definitely the garlic scape. I’ve received eight stalks so far from my farm share this season. If it weren’t for the garlicky smell, I don’t think its identity would have been obvious to me. Garlic scapes are the flower stalks that shoot up from the garlic bulb. They curl up ...

Rhubarb Sauce

02. June 2008 Soups, Stocks + Sauces 0
The two Rs of spring–ramps and rhubarb–came and went but I was fast enough to get my yield in this year. With the ramps, I pickled and sautéed; with the rhubarb, I made dessert and this sauce. I was craving fish after an hour-long workout in the pool and I ended up taking home a ...

Tomatillo Sauce

29. April 2008 Soups, Stocks + Sauces 0
I’ve made salsa verde before using different kinds of greens: parsley, mint, basil and capers. This version fits its Spanish name more because it uses tomatillos, those green tomatoes you see in your grocery store covered in an onion-skin husk. Ingredients: 8 tomatillos, thoroughly washed, halved 1 medium red onion, chopped 1 bunch cilantro, chopped ...

Lamb Ragu

28. February 2008 Lamb + Veal, Soups, Stocks + Sauces 1
I was ready to spend the entire day indoors until my phone rang. It was the Dr. asking me if I was interested in having some lamb ragù for dinner. When he invites you over for a home-cooked meal, you just go. He’s one of the best cooks I know who can move in the ...