Governors Island

22. June 2007 New York 0
After a free 7-minute ferry ride from the Battery Park Marine Terminal, we were on Governor’s Island. Back in the 1800s, Governors Island was used by the Coast Guard and the U.S. Army to protect the New York harbor. It became more popular after Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev met there for a 1988 summit ...

Vik to Solheimajokull to Reykjanes Peninsula

20. May 2007 South Iceland 0
On the road back to Reykjavik, we drove by a sign that said “glacier walk” right outside Solheimajokull. I casually asked the Dr. if he wanted to check it out. He shrugged and made a U-turn. We drove down a gravel path, parked our car and walked to the opening of a glacier. We thought ...

Fljotsdalur to Vik to Skaftafell, Iceland

17. May 2007 South Iceland, Videos 0
We said good-bye to Fljotsadalur to start our drive towards Vik, our next destination for the night. On the way there, we stopped by Skogafoss, a pretty waterfall right behind another hostel that was still closed for the season. It was pretty huge but it wasn’t as deafening and impressive as Gulfoss. After checking in ...

Laugarvatn to Fljotsdalur, Iceland

16. May 2007 South Iceland 0
The Dr. dreams a lot when we’re on vacation. As I tried to enjoy my morning sleep, the best type of all sleeps, he flinched and murmured with his eyes closed. I kept waking up because of him that by the time I felt like I’ve had a complete, uninterrupted sleep, it was already 1pm. ...